Frequently Asked Questions

J.J.S Fortnite Menu Assistance

What are the setup requirements for this menu?

Pre-Installation Requirements

BIOS Setup (Disable the following in your BIOS settings):

  • TPM (Trusted Platform Module 1.2-2.0)
  • Secure Boot
  • CPU Virtualization
  • CSM (Compatibility Support Module)
  • Hyper-V
How do I redeem my key and download?
  1. Follow the steps in setup requirements above section.
  2. Go to J.J.S website and register and download the loader.
  3. Menu Access: Press del to open and close the menu.
  4. Control + F in Lobby: When you see the message box saying “Press Control + F In Lobby,” do the following:
How To Fix Loader Compiling?
  • Delete Your Host Files In C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc And Delete “Hosts”
  • Redownload Your New Loader /Download In The Support Server -> #download Loaders
  • Use Cloudflare
  • Delete The C://TRT Folder And Resetup The Loader.

If additional support needed then please contact the support server:

How To Fix TRProtection -> Restart Pc
  • Follow the steps on “setup requirements” in first section.
    If still it isn’t working then please contact support:
My aim not working, how to fix?
  1. Download:
  2. Open the downloaded file and run it.
  3. Look for the the file “mouse.sys” as shown in the image (if you dont have it -> it didnt install properly)
  4. put it on desktop
  5. sc create mousee type=kernel binpath=“C:\Users\name\Desktop\mouse.sys”
  6. Once done that restart pc then do the following -> sc start mousee

If you still have issues setting it up then please contact J.J.S support via this link:

Load Driver Manually

Getting Driver iNIT Failed Still?
This Is Your Last Resort Before Downgrading.

  1. Check If You Have NDKPerf.sys Installed In System32 Folder.
  2. Open CMD Once u Have Logged into The loader Authenticated Your User And Got The Error.
  3. Type The Following “sc query NDKPerf”
  4. If Its Running Then Prompt Your Self To Restart Your Pc Then Do Step 2 If Its Stopped Go To Step 5
  5. Once Restarted Do sc Query NDKPerf If its Stopped do “sc start NDKPerf”

If You Don’t Have NDKPerf in your Windows System 32 Go to the “setup requirements” and redo them.

If additional support needed then please contact the support server:

HWID Doesn't Match